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Help build a stronger kingston
My Vision & Mission

My Vision

My vision is to see a close-knit community where residents, tax-payers, businesses, non-profit organizations, faith-based organizations, law enforcement, the school district and municipalities work together for the better good of the entire Kingston.

My Promise

I promise to foster open dialogue with all residents and reengage those individuals that feel as though they have been left out of the conversation. I promise to empower all residents to be more active in the decisions that are made in their city. I believe in one Kingston in which all citizens understand that they have a seat at the table. I see a Kingston with effective programs for our children that are inclusive, engaging and productive.


My Values

My values are based on humanity and equality–both of which I believe are essential values for all people to live a prosperous life. My goal is to provide a quality of life so that our citizens feel as though they have exciting and sustainable futures, and they feel empowered to raise their children in an environment in which they can grow and develop into productive citizens.


Government For The People

 I will build a government network that works as a team to bring about solutions. This includes  community leaders as well as new and current elected officials that you, the people,  have put into  office. I will work tirelessly to implement better, more effective communication between municipalities, more inclusivity and more of the fairness and transparency that the people just aren’t getting from the current administration.


Short Biography

Hi. I’m Frank Waters, a community organizer and activist and a proud resident of Kingston New York. Since moving to this great city, I’ve created a number of events and initiatives, many of which were the first of their kind. And I did so with a simple goal in mind: to improve the human connection in our area. We have been able to put on over 300 events to date and none if it would be possible without the contributions of numerous local organizations, as well as the individual contributions of this great multi-cultural community.

my kingston kids &
My kingston kids fest
black history month kingston
african american festival & parade
kingston juneteenth celebration
pine street african burial ground

Why I'm Running

I’m running because I believe the city deserves a mayor that has a forward looking vision of what our city could be. I’m running because I believe the residents deserve leadership that genuinely cares both about the people of this city as well as fostering community spirit. I can no longer stand by and listen to the cries and frustration from residents that are constantly asking to be heard by and included in their local government. We literally have residents who have lived here all of their life, but are now living under a cloud of uncertainty because they don’t know  if they will have a home to live in tomorrow or next month. I’m running because Kingston deserves better.

My Platform


I will be accessible and accountable to YOU, the residents of Kingston. Through the “Coffee on your Corner” program, we will have monthly gatherings throughout the community where you can come and share ideas and concerns and I'll set aside regular “walk-in” hours where you can share your concerns directly at City Hall.

Affordable Housing

I will work to ensure that ALL of Kingston’s residents have access to safe and affordable housing. I will work with our housing partners and private developers and landlords to rehabilitate our current housing inventory and create new housing opportunities for Kingston residents.

Public Safety

I will implement community liaison officers, increase our fire prevention education and work with property owners to clean up properties in disrepair. My administration will also work with trusted partners like SNUG and O.R.A.C.L.E. to combat the opioid epidemic and the NYS Attorney General’s Office to continue efforts to reduce gun violence.

Together we can build a stronger Kingston.

did you know

The median rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Kingston is...

That's 25% more than it was 3 years ago
$ 0 .00
Together we can do better.

Together we can build a stronger Kingston that works better for everyone.

Share your thoughts and concerns.

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Copyright 2023 © Frank Waters for Mayor